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Costs of Extinguishing Fires Involving Hazardous Materials #23

The Town Board of the Town of Cold Spring, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:


Every person, firm or corporation using, storing, handling or transporting flammable or combustible liquids, chemicals, gasses or other hazardous materials shall comply with the requirements of Wisconsin Code Chapter IND 8 as the same is now in force and may hereafter from time to time be amended.


Every person, firm or corporation using, storing, handling or transporting ( whether by rail or on the highways ) flammable or combustible liquids, chemicals, gasses or other hazardous materials shall be liable to the town for the actual cost of labor and materials associated with the use of any specialized extinguishing agent, chemical, neutralizer or similiar material or equipment employed to extinguish, confine, neutralize, contain or clean up any such hazardous material which is involved in any fire or accidental spill or in the threat of any fire or accidental spill.


This ordinance shall take effect the day after proof of posting the same in three public places in the town has been filed and recorded with the Town Clerk.


Passed and adopted this 3rd day of February, 1983.


Oscar Schmidt (signed)

Town Board Chairman


Lisle Piper, Jr (signed)

First Supervisor


Lyle J. Pester (signed)

Second Supervisor


Earle Jeff Moyse (signed)

Town Clerk


Proof of posting filed with the Town Clerk on February 7, 1983